Professor Akinloye Oluyemi
Professor of Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Diagnosis; and Director of Centre for Genomics of Non-communicable Diseases and Personalized Healthcare
Prof Akinloye is a Clinical Chemist with research expertise in Molecular Diagnosis. He is currently the Principal Investigator of Molecular Endocrinology and Oncology Research Group at the Department of Medical Laboratory Science, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, College of Medicine where I teach both undergraduate and postgraduate biomedical sciences students.
His career interest is teaching and research in genomics of non-communicable diseases with keen interest in molecular endocrinology and oncology. Within the context of his passion for genomic research in NCDs, he has developed a dynamics Centre for Genomics for Non-communicable Diseases and Personalized Medicine (CGNPH). Therefore, building infrastructures and capacity for genomics research in Nigeria. He published few of the available data in the genomics of prostate cancer and reproductive endocrinology in Nigeria and probably Africa. I am involved in several global genomic consortium, extensive research endeavors, and collaborations in several areas of non-communicable diseases.
Currently running a sustainable summer school for graduate students, postdoctoral fellow, resident doctor and young faculty members to develop capacity for genomics research in Nigeria. The interface between Communicable and Non-communicable diseases particularly cancer and pathogens, especially pandemics are my current passion.
He served as lead pathologist and research mentor on several basic science prostate cancer research investigations. He established risk factors and etiologies of prostate cancer for Nigerian men. He is a member of the following associations; Fellow Royal College of Pathology (FRCPath – UK), Asian Council of Science Editors, Fellow Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC) 2013 Member, American Association of Cancer Research, Member, American Association of Clinical Chemistry, Member, Canadian Society of Clinical Chemistry, Member, European Society of Endocrinology, Associate Member, Institute of Biomedical Science, UK, Member of National Society of Clinical Chemistry, Nigeria (IFCC member), Member of Society of Experimental Biology, Nigeria and Fellow of Medical Laboratory Sciences Council of Nigeria.