Countdown to IAS Pharma2024
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  • IAS Pharma2024
    Day 3
    Prof. Fatma Ebeid, PhD, MD, MRCPCH
    Prof. Fatma Ebeid, PhD, MD, MRCPCH

    Professor of Pediatric Hematology Oncology and BMT
    Executive Director of MASRI- CRC
    Ain Shams University
    Cairo, Egypt


    Dr Fatma Ebeid, professor of Pediatric Hematology Oncology and Bone Marrow Transplant and the executive director of Faculty of Medicine Ain Shams Research Institute- Clinical Research Center (MASRI- CRC).

    Dr. Ebeid had almost nineteen years experiences in the field of Pediatric Hematology in one of the largest referral centers in MENA region, she had special interest in the inherited anemias and bone marrow failure disorders especially the SCD and currently she is the responsible physician running the SCD clinic at Ain Shams University, Egypt. Dr Ebeid implemented the first center in Egypt for automated erythrocytapheresis for SCD patients. Dr Ebeid participated in many international clinical trials addressing SCD ranging from iron chelation to anti-sickling investigational drugs and had rich local database including pediatric and adult SCD as well as well establish referral networking.

    Dr. Ebeid had many international and national scientific publications, and she is a member of national and international professional bodies/research groups and has collaborated with many national and international academic parties and non-profit organizations.

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    The IAS PHARMA 2024 is organized by Xcene Research, an African Contract Research Organization committed to providing clinical trials access to a more diverse population in Africa.

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