Countdown to IAS Pharma2024
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  • IAS Pharma2024
    Day 3


    1 / 8

    How would you rate your overall experience at IAS Pharma2024? (1-10)

    2 / 8

    What did you enjoy most about the summit?

    3 / 8

    Which session or speaker stood out to you the most?

    4 / 8

    Were the topics covered relevant to your interests?

    5 / 8

    How would you rate the event logistics (registration, venue, communication)?

    6 / 8

    How likely are you to attend IAS Pharma2025?

    7 / 8

    Would you recommend IAS Pharma to others?

    8 / 8

    Any suggestions or comments for improving future summits?

    Your score is

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    The IAS PHARMA 2024 is organized by Xcene Research, an African Contract Research Organization committed to providing clinical trials access to a more diverse population in Africa.

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