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    Dr Muhammad Makusidi

    Consultant Nephrologist, HOD of Internal Medicine, Usmanu Danfodiyo University

    Dr. Makusidi began his professional journey more than 3 decades ago after he completed his secondary education and got enrolled into the College of Health Sciences, Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto. He qualified to become a medical doctor 23 years ago. Because of his love for Internal medicine, he enrolled into the residency programme and qualified as a Nephrologist in the year 2011.

    Because of his uncommon desire for research, he became a professor of medicine barely 7 years after he qualified as a consultant Nephrologist. Professor Makusidi has secured two well-funded grants for the Usmanu Danfodiyo University and he is involved with many International collaboration. He currently has 73 publications which covers his area of expertise and Internal Medicine.

    He has presented over 40 papers in local and International conferences. He is a member of many professional societies too numerous to list and he is the deputy editor of Sahel Medical Journal and the Tropical Journal of Nephrology. He has supervised to completion 7 postgraduate students, external examiner to many Universities and a member of accreditation panel of NUC and MDCN. Professor Makusidi is the current HOD of Internal Medicine, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto and a board member of the Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital, Sokoto. He is married and a father to sons and daughters.

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    The IAS PHARMA 2024 is organized by Xcene Research, an African Contract Research Organization committed to providing clinical trials access to a more diverse population in Africa.

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