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    Dr. Lutchmee Nobaub

    CEO Clinear Research (Mauritius/France)

    Within 14 years’ experience in clinical research in pharmaceutical companies/Contract Research Organizations (CROs) and hospitals, Lutchmee Nobaub has been working on numerous international phase I to phase IV multi-center trials in different indications, embracing all steps from qualification to termination in Western Europe, Mauritius, and Reunion.

    In 2015, she founded Clinear Research, a Mauritian CRO, covering different therapeutic areas. It provides effective biopharmaceutical services, as well as clinical investigation solutions to other CROs, pharmaceutical laboratories, and medical device manufacturers.

    Lutchmee Nobaub, initially created Clinear Research to compensate for the lack of local expert clinical research associates (CRA) in the sub-region, capable of supervising clinical studies on site. In the last 6 years, she has been training local physicians and medical staff to the Clinical Research exigence in conformity with the ICH/GCP, the European directives, and the  Mauritian regulations. Her Clinear Research’s team has already worked in numerous international studies in Lupus, NASH, Hepatitis, Dermatology, glaucoma, obesity, pre-eclampsia, as well as in medical devices.

    In November 2021, her effort was rewarded by the Woman In Africa, where she was the health revelation 2021.

    Her values: Patient, People, Procedures, the 3 Ps to bring the best of breed clinical research worldwide. She is personally involved in the achievement of her teams’ work, with efficiency and empathy, and a constant concern for the patient’s interest.

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    The IAS PHARMA 2024 is organized by Xcene Research, an African Contract Research Organization committed to providing clinical trials access to a more diverse population in Africa.

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